Other Transport Modes


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Intermodal Transport
(Railway/Truck/RoRo Ship, etc.)

MOL Logistics offers a wide variety of intermodal services—to secure tight space on vessels, arranging emergency alternate transport during port congestion, in response to a business continuity plan (BCP) when a disaster occurred, or as an environmental protection measure.

In ocean transport, we respond to various changes in transport modes, such as the use of RoRo ships and ferries in combination with trucks. We determine, present, and offer optimal alternative routes to meet our customers’ needs.

Environmental protection measures such as reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are urgent tasks facing all industries today.
MOL Logistics helps customers address environmental issues in their supply chains through our efforts to promote the modal shift.

Examples of services

We offer other flexible services through tie-ups with our local subsidiaries, enhancing our reputation among customers around the world.

[Case 1] China Railway Express to Europe

  • China – Europe Railway Logistics Service
  • Eurasian Land Bridge Service ( East China | North China | Central China | South China )

Examples of Routes

  • Wuhan
    Duisburg/Lyon Railway Route
  • Yiwu
    Madrid Railway Route
  • Suzhou
    Warsaw Railway Route

Cross-border Transport (Gateway Service)


MOL Logistics is one of the few total logistics providers with its own office in Laredo, Texas, on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, and operates its own trailers. We offer cross-border transport services between the two nations, backed by 25-plus years of experience in this trade, and offer stable lead times and top-quality service.

Europe Gateway Service

MOL Logistics offers truck forwarding service across Europe, using Amsterdam and Frankfurt as gateways.

Areas: Amsterdam/Frankfurt ⇔ Across Europe

East Europe-Russia Gateway Service

In Hamburg, the gateway for cargoes to and from Russia and Eastern Europe, MOL Logistics’ services include storage and delivery of today’s rapidly expanding volume of containerized cargo, with a warehoused optimized to meet customer needs.

Area: Hamburg ⇔ East Europe/Across Russia

Intra-Europe Truck/Container Transport

Our subsidiary in the Czech Republic offers services such as Intra/Outside-Europe truck and container transport, customs clearance, and IT warehouse logistics, in cooperation with our other group companies in the EU.

Intra-ASEAN Cross-border
Intermodal Trucking

MOL Logistics offers cross-border intermodal trucking service, primarily in Thailand, but also in other ASEAN regions.
In many cases, when transporting cargo bound for ASEAN regions to and from Thailand, cross-border land transport reduces transit time compared to door-to-door ocean transport, and can also be more economical.
We can also accommodate shipments of items requiring simple manufacturing processes from mother factories in Thailand and Vietnam to facilities in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and so on, and then ship the semi-finished products and parts produced in those plants back to the mother factories.

Regions: Thailand, Vietnam Intra-ASEAN ⇔ Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos

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